Senin, 31 Januari 2011

[Fan’s Comis] Eun-Hee Couple

[Karena sekarang Anie sedang posting tentang super junior, jadi gak apa-apa ya, kalau pakai bahasa korea sedikit-sedikit, hehe –soalnya kalau banyak-banyak gak pandai :P]

Gyakaka, chingu aku habis ketemu komik ini waktu baca-baca postingan tentang super junior. Karena menurutku lucu, langsung saja kuposting. Komiknya memang pakai bahasa hangul sih, tapi tenang... penjelasan tentang komik ini sudah kubuat, jadi hayuuuk... click more to know more (:

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

[Pre] Fieldtrip To The “Bukit Naang”

Horay :) 
Finally, tomorrow I with my classmates –Averruz United, absolutely- and with all students of SMP IT Al-Fityah will attend fieldtrip to the Bukit Naang, which located in Kampar, about two or three hours from my town. But some of my friends thought this fieldtrip will be not too exited. Well, hihi, I know why tey said that, as they didn’t want if  7th and 8th grader join this fieldtrip.

    "That will reduce our fun, ... anyways, not good with others, preferably quiet," Theys said.

Well, I think everything is okay although 7th and 8th grader join. Hihi, if you all, want a quiet place, how about the cemetery. Don’t I? But dear, this fieldtrip should we enjoyed together with all of students, then spend our time to refresh our brain from all of schoollife. So come on! Be happy (:

Oh, yes! Last year, I went to Bukit Naang with my family. And do you know how our journal? Ahh… so boring! Cause I didn’t join its outbond T_T The reason is just because, a lot of people who lined up to follow outbound. But, I took some pictures, and it made me didn’t feel bored. Check it up!

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

I'm not your doll

do you ever have friend -who little or over protective? If me, I have one. Sometimes I feel unhappy with her behaves, cause I feel constrained. It likes difficult to breathe easily. Difficult to walking by my own feet. She and her protective attitude that, even she controls me. Yes, and I feel like a doll. I feel unhappy.


Friend, let me go out by my feet, to the life what i choose
and don't prohibit me
Let me do what I want to do, and don't control me,
cause i don't want you do

but, I'm your friend !

And when I'm falling down, i hope you're here to catch me.
when i'm losing my way, i hope you'll find me

that's what friends are for (:

{ Surah Az-Zukhruf, ayat: 67 }

Then, what must I do?

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Wiwid Looks Similiar to JP Millenix

wiwid dan JP Millenix

Hey, hey :)
percaya tidak jika di dunia ini banyak manusia yang berwajah mirip?
kalau gak percaya, coba lihat foto-fo ini...


JP Millenix

Yap, itu adalah foto adikku 'Wiwid' dan JP Millenix -pemain drum cilik-. See? mereka punya beberapa kemiripan, kan? Seperti matanya, bentuk senyumnya, dan juga tahi lalatnya! -meski letaknya beda sih :P Dan, well..., mungkin saja di dunia ini, di tempat yang jauh dari kita, ada juga seseorang yang wajahnya 'mirip' dengan kita.
iya, kan? (:

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

BIG NEWS: A Crop Circle Has Found In Indonesia

            What do you think about the title above?
            Ahaa…, do you believe it?
            But, don’t think it’s a hoax before you read this post (:

crop circle yang ada diberbagai negara

Crop Circle adalah suatu bentuk pola-pola lingkaran dan bentuk-bentuk lain seperti geometri, bahkan ada juga yang yang biasa ditemui membentuk citra mahkluk hidup yang banyak ditemukan diladang pertanian khususunya gandum. 
Crop circle (lingkaran tanaman) mulai mendunia pada tahun 1980-an ketika media melaporkan banyak crop circle muncul di wilayah pedesaan Inggris, terutama di Wiltshire dan Hampshire. Bersamaan dengan kemunculan di Inggris, fenomena yang sama dilaporkan muncul di Australia dan Amerika Serikat. Hingga saat ini paling tidak ada 12.000 Crop circle yang telah ditemukan di seluruh dunia, seperti Inggris, Rusia, Amerika Serikat, Kanada dan bahkan Jepang.

Nah, tadi itu sekilas mengenai sejarah Crop Circle....


Stop The Lazy Attitude


Source : Riau Pos


Fotograph. That’s what I like lately :)
And take a picture is one of my hobbies.
That’s why I always imagine someday I’ll have a camera as ‘Nikon’ or ‘Canon’.
If me take a photo with its it’ll be having good result in taking a photo, although however skill also needed to operate its.

One of my wishlist


Well, somedays ago I took some photos of my younger sister.
Let's check it up!

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Is she Yoona's cat?

Hello everyone (:

Just now i have much time, so I spend time to post this entry..
hehe.. maybe when you see the photo, you'll think the cat  very like Yoona SNSD, haha... or,
Do you think its Yoona's pet?

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011


bagi yang sudah berkunjung atau nyasar ke blog ini.
hehe ;p saya ucapkan terimakasih
isinya masih kosong sih, maklum masih baru

but, well... soon or later i'll write an entry,
haha, so KEEP READING YA!!

o, ya!
mumpung udah mampir kesini,
silahkan juga kunjungi blog-blog ini ya;
